

1. 使用Chrome作为web server

Using Chrome as a Local Web Server

Chrome devtool中的source面板有一个override功能,能将某域名下的资源进行本地替换,也就是说我们可以建一个已存在的域名文件夹,将其index改写,这样加载的页面就是我们本地的页面。

2. 固定比例图片加载方式

Time-saving CSS techniques to create responsive images

  1. Use background-image if your image is not part of the page’s content.
  2. Use object-fit if you don’t care about IE.
  3. The padded container technique, used by Netflix, works everywhere.
  4. In most cases, just add height: auto; in your CSS.
  5. If you need fast load times, use srcset to load smaller images on mobile.

3. 表格数据展示的方法

Design better data tables

4. CSS Scroll Snap

CSS Scroll Snap — How It Really Works

5. 有趣的建议

7 Skills of Highly “Effective” Programmers

  • 习惯阅读别人的代码
  • 搞懂git

6. 理财建议

How I Build Wealth In 4 Steps

  • 存钱,投资
  • 增加副业

7. 10个值得尝试的项目

10 Great Programming Projects to Improve Your Resume and Learn to Program

8. Facebook的优化之路

Discover the tech stack for the new Facebook

9. 你可能不需要框架

原文:You Don’t Need a JavaScript Framework

10. 我是如何成为百万富翁的

How I Became A Millionaire

11. ES10

Upcoming new JavaScript features You should know if you use JavaScript everyday

  • Array.prototype.flat
  • Array.prototype.flatMap
  • TC39 proposals in Github
  • Numeric Separators
  • Top-level await
  • Nullish Coalescing for JavaScript
  • Optional Chaining
  • Promise.any
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